Homage and Legacy

FOR THE LATINX RESEARCH CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Zapatismo at Twenty-Five and its Impact on Chicana/o Activism: Part OneBy Pablo GonzalezJanuary 1, 2019 marked the 25th anniversary of the Zapatista rebellion in Chiapas, Mexico. An indigenous rebellion coined the “first revolution of the 21st century.” Since then, the Zapatista indigenous struggle has grown in […]
FOR THE LATINX RESEARCH CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY By Jesús CortezWhite FantasiesWhite fantasiesWhite fantasies builton the foundation of corpses—sweetened by legality  Your Leave it toBeaver, whitepicket fence suburban heaven,Your Brady Bunch aspirations  Your mutilated bodies leftbehind grandiose missionsYour disneyland dreamscovering up the blood leftby murderous police  Your yellow haired devilof your choice—he will fulfill all […]
FOR THE LATINX RESEARCH CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Puro Corazón: The Heartwork of Melanie CervantesBy Moi Santos The latter half of the 20th century in the United States was characterized by a series of successful social and political movements that sought to contest the conditions of marginalized peoples in the U.S. and abroad. In addition to […]
FOR THE LATINX RESEARCH CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY By Harvey DongThe Future of Ethnic Studies on Its 50th Anniversary: Autonomy and Self-Determination Are Missing(Originally submitted to the Department of Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley Newsletter–50th Anniversary Spring 2018 Issue)   Ethnic Studies at Berkeley remains an unfinished struggle that began almost 50 years ago with the TWLF […]

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